I got to watched this movie together with my friend's brother, I'm gonna put my thoughts on it.
First off, I have to say I didn't wholeheartedly enjoy this show, at least for the 80% of the time. It was so far off the course from the original novel written by Roald Dahl, not only the storyline but how they project the character of the Willy Wonka (not only the look, but more importantly the character itself).
The movie has managed to made the kids look as despicable as the novel has intended them to be, but there was an utter difference in how Willy Wonka reacted to them. In novel, despite the dreadful behaviour by the children, Wonka stayed well reserved and kept his cool, but yet not losing an ounce of his sense of humour.
In the movie, Wonka's character bear no resemblence to that of Willy Wonka in the novel; when he interacted with the rotten children, he displayed lame reactions (especially to TeeVee), at times he looked more childish than any of the kids right there.
Watching the film, I admit I had a discomfort watching Wonka's lame actions and the movie's execution. It started when the kids were asked to enter the Chocolate Factory, and Wonka was supposedly show up surrounded by muppets and showered by pyrotechnics Disneyland-style. Instead the fireworks burned and melt the plastic muppets into hidious abomination, and Wonka was cheering at such show like a retard, and that created an unusual atmosphere.
The lame jokes throughout the show weren't helping the show much either, the only one that managed to make crowds laugh was when Wonka exclaimed "I need to find heir (
I only enjoyed the 1st few songs and dance showed by Oompa-Loompas. It was rather interesting that they had distinguished each performance under different genre; first performance was a jazz, second was kinda techno, third was a hip-hop, and the last one was a rock. But the last one was lame to the extreme, I almost couldn't bear to watch it.
As I continued on to watch the film, frustration was accumulating inside me, thinking this movie will be remembered as the lamest remake ever.
But then at the last part, the show had a strange twist. When Wonka had offered Charlie his factory, Charlie rejected it for his family. And later they would visit Wonka's father together, and ulitmately decided to move the whole house and family into Chocolate factory to live together. This last execution brought warmth into my heart, making me forget the frustrations I felt before. Then I realized all the dark atmosphere shown throughout the film were intended to make the last more inspiring. I was rather impressed by the craftiness of the director.
I would rate this movie 7/10. Really, the last part saved the whole movie.