The place where I place my happenings in life, some useless shits, political, philosophical(?) views. And yes, rantings too.

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Location: Singapore, Oceania

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Busy as ever

Well, once it was over it, 10 days SOL felt like it was nothing much.

LRI is finally over, but there are still so much shit to clear, busy as ever.

At least now I have some room and peace in my mind, I restart my gym routine to try to get back my fitness. I have wanted to apply for Biathlon participation, the one organised by SAFRA in March, but the registration closed just before the day I wanted to go apply. I really looked forward to this event and was planning on major cardio preparatory exercises througout the month of March, but now I feel I have lost a motive, feeling as though I am lost in midst of nowhere.