Natsu Matsuri 2005
I went there to meet up with my sister who went there earlier than me with her friends. Upon reaching the japanese school, I had to wait in a damn long queue to buy coupons to have an entry into into the school compound where the festival was held. In the end, the entry coupon was sold out, so the rest of people in queue were allowed to just go in, but without special coupons like Main Dish coupon.
The festival was held in the school track and field. At the middle of the soccer field, a huge stage platform was built (refer to photo below), and people could go onstage to dance or play Japanese taiko drum.
It was almost just like school open house, except this one was in Japanese style.
All around the track, there were stores selling foods and goods. I had to wait in yet another long queue just to get my hands on food to eat. To buy foods like japanese curry or soba noodle, I need to pay by Main Dish coupon, but unfortunately it was sold out, so I have to make myself content by eating tit bits, grrrrr....
The place of full of people wearing Japanese summer outfit called yukata. Alot of Japanese were there (duh), but in fact there were as many local people was well, if not more. Even the locals came in yukata. I'll have to mention that there were many, many pretty girls, both local and Japanese.
Later, I joined my sister near the stage, together with other people surrounding it to dance the Bon Odori, which is the traditional Japanese festival dance. It was quite fun dancing in circle as one, and the dance itself was simple and easy to remember.
Once the festival was over, together with my sis and her friend, I took a bus to Tanah Merah MRT station, from where we grabbed a cab to go back to my house.
Fabian and Lee Chon? Never heard of 'em.
If you got cute local girl friend who's interested in learning jap, I'm always here to help out.
hey if u got a cute jap girl friend who's interested in learning singlish, i'm always here to help too!
Woah..i oso want!! GOt jap boyfriend???
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