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Saturday, June 09, 2007


by the University of ME

Note: Taken from dota-allstars.com forum, DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY


DotA has been proved to affect people in real life, that's why a group of psichologists from the University of Manta Eaglehorn, decided to make a test that allows us to compare our DotA choices with those of the real life.

Read each question and pick and answer, after picking all 5 answers read below what they mean.


1.You only or mostly play a DotA game if it is:
a. -ap
b. -ar
c. -em (with/out other)
d. -dm

2. Of these "escaping" skills, which you like the most:
a. Windwalk
b. Blink
c. Time Lapse
d. Permanet Invisibility

3. Of this active spell items, which you prefer:
a. Mekansm
b. Hand of Midas
c. Dagon
d. Arcane Ring

4. Of this offensive items, which you like the most
a. Radiance
b. Battle Fury
c. Buriza-do Kyanon
d. Divine Rapier

5. Of this defensive items, which you like the most
a. Aegis of the Inmortal
b. Blade Mail
c. Nathrezim Buckler (without mekansm)
d. Vanguard

6. Of this "attribute" items, which you buy more often
a. Heart of Tarrasque
b. Aghanim's Scepter
c. The Butterfly
d. Eyes of Skadi

7. In a game what roll is your favorite
a. Supporter
b. Carrier
c. Tanker
d. Disabler

8. What's your favorite run effect
a. Haste
b. Invisibility
c. Double Damage
d. Regeneration
e. Illusion

9. You like to lane
a. Solo
b. Paired
c. I don't care
d. I play 6.50 so I always go solo


-ap: You are a confident person who know what he wants, letting things go their own way is not an option, you like decide how things are done.
-ar: You are insecure, you have a lot of choices to make but you are afraid of making the wrong one, you like others to decide for you.
-em: You feel you don't have enough time, you are not someone who can sit around and do nothing, you have to be doing something.
-dm: You are afraid of commitment, this has affect your relationships and has banned you from taking a long term one.

Windwalk: You like feeling safe, althoughyou are willing to take a risk from time to time, usually when you feel is not a big one.
Blink: You like being part of the action, nevertheless, you always like having a backup plan if things go wrong.
Time Lapse: You live in constant regret, wishing to be able to make up for the things that went wrong in your past.
Permanent Invisibility: You are a pussy.

Mekansm: You are a team player, a defensive person who most of the times won't hesitate on standing up for a friend.
Hand of Midas: You are a greedy and somehow egocentric person, even though you don't let your enemies think you are someone they shouldn't care about.
Dagon: You don't care much about winning or loosing as long as you can make a nice run, you don't care much about what other people think of your choices.
Arcane Ring: You like staying near the action but not in a place you may feel threatened. From time to time you are willing to help others in a minor way.

Radiance: You make everybody know they shouldn't mess with you. You like working alone but you wouldn't mind being part of a team.
Battle Fury: You don't have clear objectives, taking one job at the time isn't your style, you like the idea of taking two birds with one shot.
Buriza-do Kyanon: You believe in luck, you are always up to the challenge although it sometimes doesn't go the way you want.
Divine Rapier: You are a self centered bastard.

Aegis of the Inmortal: You like feeling secure, mostly thinking about you not getting hurt, although you are willing to take one for the team.
Blade Mail: Defensive play isn't what you like, nevertheless sometimes you need it, you like hurting people that hurt you.
Nathrezim Buckler: You don't finish your goals, you like the safety feeling with the tinniest bit of effort.
Vanguard: You are a resistant person, maybe putting to much attention in the little things instead of worrying about the big problems

Heart of Tarrasque: You like to make others believe you are a strong fellow, that you are someone to worry about, and you are, but in the inside, you are just a lonely monster looking to be loved.
Aghanim's Scepter: You like using other people's stuff. You know you are really smart and think you are better than others, but you don't realize that you are very fragile indeed.
The Butterfly: You try to evade confrontations. You like giving girly names to manly things.
Eyes of Skadi: You don't know what to do, you are a cold person trying to be liked by everyone.

Supporter: You are a family man, willing to let go part of the action for others to enjoy, you feel you are making the difference but what really is happening is that you are being abused.
Carrier: You don't trust other people, you like taking all the responsability, probably you were not breastfed
Tanker: You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and although you are a strong person, sometimes the burden is too much to carry, you should always have a shoulder to cry on.
Disabler: You are a very jelous person, you haven't been a winner in your whole life so you care more about making other people loose than winning. You need to understand that you have a right to win, too.

Haste: You are always running late and you don't like it. You want to be at the place you need to be at the time you need to be.
Invisibility: You are a lonely person, you are an only child, looking for someone to share your experiences with.
Double Damage: You don't like other people to see your flaws, you always want to pretend being stronger than you really are.
Regeneration: You've been hurt a lot through out your life, you are just looking for something to heal those wounds before it's too late.
Illusion: Oh my god, did you seriously picked illusion? LOL

Solo: You are an only child. Childhood traumas make you think you can take the world on your own. You are easily squelched / ignored.
Paired: You are afraid to step to the plate unless that special someone is there with you.
I don't care: You don't care
I play 6.50 so I always solo: You prolly play SA

Author Notes:
University of Manta Eaglehorn (ME) hopes this test has allowed you to know yourself better, more tests will be post in the future