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Saturday, April 30, 2005

China, Taiwan opposition mend ties

CNN - BEIJING, China (AP) -- Taiwan's opposition leader and Chinese President Hu Jintao promised on Friday to work together to end hostilities between Taipei and Beijing, during the highest-level meeting between the two sides since they split amid civil war nearly six decades ago.In a ceremony televised live in China and Taiwan, Hu and Nationalist Party Chairman Lien Chan smiled and shook hands in the Great Hall of the People, the seat of China's legislature in central Beijing.

More on cnn.com

Bwahahahahahaha! *laugh at Lien Chan*


Chinese people might view this peace talk as a step closer to unification of Taiwan and China. But I view this differently.

The talk between the Lien Chan and Hu Jintao only means that the Chinese Nationalist admitted defeat to Chinese Communist.60 years ago, Nationalist and Communist had internal war in China, but Nationalist was defeated and they took refuge to Taiwan, where they gained control and licked their wounds.

Their leader then Chiang Kai Shek sworn his Nationalist party will one day unify China with force. And Chinese Nationalist had been holding on to that ambition for decades since. But now, Nationalist is starting to lose their power in Taiwan, with their ruling party seat taken over by Democratic party, with the presence of Taiwan independence supporter gaining popularity.This current situation must have forced Nationalist leader Lien Chan to look upon his brethren in China for help. Now that his position in Taiwan is getting hopeless, he had no choice but to wave white flag to his party's old foes.So he went to China.

I can almost imagine what Lien could've said.

"Sorry, I lost hope in conquering China. You win, we lose. So let's put the past behind us, and unify Taiwan and China together. So please put me as provincial head of Taiwan, okay?"

Some people might welcome this move by Lien, thinking this would bring peace to the region.

Yeah, right. A "peace" under oppression of Communist China.

It makes me wonder what makes people think Nationalist party is the party that legitimately represent Taiwan? It was originally a group foreign to Taiwan, and since their forceful gain of strength they had been oppressively ruling Taiwan till recently. Most of the Nationalist members are mainland Chinese who ran away from mainland during the Communist rules, with dream that one day they can return to their homeland.

Well, good for them now that Lien had peaceful talks with Communist leader. They can pack their bags and leave Taiwan and spend the rest of their days in China.

But why can't they just leave Taiwan alone to claim independance?


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